Meet your Counselor and Coach:

Shonda Sherrod is a U.S. Army Veteran and also served in the medical field for 21years. She holds a double certification for Christian Counseling and Coaching, is Board Certified with The National Association of Christian Counselors and is an ordained minister. She has a wealth of experience navigating life with Him, since her rededication to Christ on January 1st, 1996. You can find Shonda’s books for purchase on Amazon!

She is confident there is hope, healing, and direction for every layer and detail of your life in Him, no matter how complicated your situation, circumstances or relationships are at this moment.

Shonda came to know Jesus and was water baptized and ‘Spirit filled’ at six years old. After three years active-duty Army, including one year in Bosnia, she continued two more years in the Army in the active-reserves. It was on her way to Bosnia, January 1st, 1996, that she rededicated her life to Christ. She served twenty-one years in the medical field as a Medical Assistant in Family Practice. During that time, she had the privilege to pray and minister to patients on the job. She has also worked with children and teens not only twenty-years on the job, but also teaching swimming lessons, babysitting, volunteering in Nursery, Sunday School, and Youth Group. Jesus has been the dominant thread throughout her life. She has served in volunteer ministry, participated in leadership and administration of ministry for more than twenty years, for various ministries in multiple capacities. She is a native of Houston, Texas, but has enjoyed traveling in the U.S. and other countries.

“ I believe there are seven areas of personal health that effect how we grow as individuals. Those are our Spiritual health, Mental health, Emotional health, Physical health, Relational health, Social health, and Financial health. Our disconnection with the Lord can affect any one of these areas of health. He is the Author of life, therefore He wrote the manual on how to make it work. If we are connected to Him but suffer lack or disconnection in anyone of these areas, it just means that we have rusty gears that keep us from functioning the way we were created to function healthily. Our soul is the middle gear wheel that keeps us connected to God or that can disconnect us from Him on a personal level, although He lovingly never disconnects from us, we just emotionally shut the door on Him. Ultimately, we live in a fallen world and our choices on the soul level can cause our body to bear the brunt of wrong choices—not just substance abuse, lack of sleep, proper diet and exercise, but our lack of mental and emotional health cause our brain to dump stress chemicals in our body that cause adverse effects in our body over time. No one has arrived in every one of these areas of health. Every area of health is deeply layered, and we will learn and grow as healthy as we choose to. The great news is that God is into making all things new! Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and we have that same power to reverse demonic effects by the Blood of Jesus.” —Shonda Sherrod