What We Do

We ALL need Godly counsel at some point in our lives…whether it is dealing with our past, dealing with our present, or navigating our future…

Mission of His Seat Christian Counseling and Coaching:

Through Him, to be an instrument of healing, a point of contact for faith, encouragement, wisdom, guidance, and accountability for you to enter your next level of healing and breakthrough that God has for you. Whether it is overcoming pain of the past, being stuck in a present-day whirlwind of seeming chaos or wanting to fulfill the dreams God placed in your heart while you are still on this side of heaven, His Seat is here for you. Gaining right perspective from Him together, receiving everyday keys to unlock understanding for a healed perception and a fierce determination in your moving forward.

“Wisdom is the most valuable commodity—so buy it! Revelation-knowledge is what you need—so invest in it! Proverbs 4:7 (TPT)

“God-lovers make the best counselors. Their words possess wisdom and are right and trustworthy. The ways of God are in their hearts, and they won’t swerve from the paths of steadfast righteousness.”

-Proverbs 37:30-31

My desire is to see my clients reach their full potential and fulfill what God has written in their books in heaven. I seek the Lord on your behalf and gain His heart for you, so He can help me help you. He sees and understands what you are going through on the timeline of your life. My goal is to help you find healing, direction, and understanding for the season you are in, helping you navigate by pointing you to Him and His heart for you.

My purpose is to partner with the Lord for your freedom—spirit, soul, and body. 3rd John 2 says, “Beloved I pray you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” Our soul is like the ‘middle gear’ turning…either connecting or disconnecting the unity between spirit and body. As our soul (mind, will, and emotions) prospers (or ‘gets healthy and healed’), our relationship with God flourishes seeing Him rightly, along with our other daily relationships. A healthy relationship with ourselves and God, affects how we treat our body, and spend our money, thus seeing the fruit of this scripture fulfilled in our lives.

Finally, if you are reading this, you are searching for your next step. You are being divinely guided whether you prayed to be or not. You may not know what it is exactly that you need, but He does, and I believe you have found it. Some people know that they are seeking Counseling, and some are seeking Coaching. Counseling deals with healing the past and Coaching strategizes moving forward. Both are necessary when it is discovered that something in the past is the hinderance for moving forward, we do both—so no worries! There really is no issue that is too ugly, too broken, too secret, nor any dream to large, or any mountain to high, that you weren’t meant to overcome and conquer and live the Blessed life that Jesus died for you to live—emotionally healed and whole, rejoicing in Him—on THIS side of Heaven.

He has plans for YOU!

“For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”—Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)