Whatever the need, there is a session waiting for you…He is waiting to meet you right where you are!

  • ONE on ONE Counseling or Coaching

    Organic signup for when you know that you need or could benefit from help or guidance. For ANY subject matter—there is no issue too broken, too ugly, too secret, that God can’t fix with your yielding to Him for help. And there is no dream to large, or mountain to high, you weren’t meant to climb and overcome.

  • MARRIED COUPLES Counseling or Coaching

    Come ready for ANY subject matter—there is no issue too broken, too ugly, too secret, that God can’t fix with your yielding to Him for help. There is no dream to large or mountain to high, for your marriage not to be a testimony of His goodness! Your marriage was meant to be a gift as an example of Christ to the rest of the world, and He desires that you enjoy His design with all His benefits!

  • Marriage Intensive (Married or Premarital)

    Every topic of marriage discussed and homework for next session moving forward. Counseling & Coaching included for past, present, and moving forward. Commitment to twelve 2 HR sessions.

    Married/Pre-Married couples who do this intensive receive continual discounted sessions, $100 for 2-hour maintenance sessions. (The time can be spent together or exchanged to split separately for one on one; either 2 hours for one spouse, or 1 hour each)

  • Family and Blended Family Counseling and Coaching

    Navigating family relationships with all the external pressures and unexpected circumstances can be overwhelming. There are so many factors attempting to destroy the God given design of the family nucleus. Gaining strategies in Him, helps unravel dysfunction and create a family with relational health, strength, and unity which displays family as a powerful force and example to the world around them.

  • Counseling or Coaching for Children

    I have worked with children of all ages since 1999 and God has anointed me to reach them for breakthrough! There is NO issue too difficult.

    (Parents are to set them up in a non-distractive room with zoom camera on for complete focus. 40-minute session with child and 20minute follow up with parent on session with guidance/instructions to implement for next session.) Children under 12 are scheduled for 1-hour, and children 12 and older are scheduled for 2-hour session—90 minutes with the child, and 30 minutes with the parent.

  • First Responders Counseling

    First Responders can sometimes unknowingly neglect their own mental health. They have an amazing capability to self-sacrifice for the ‘one’ in front of them and their brain has learned how to consciously function for the task at hand, separating all visual, auditory, emotional, and spiritual trauma subconsciously. Over time, First Responders or their family members, may realize the toll that the subconscious build up takes on their relationships, their view of life, and sometimes their view of God. If you are a First Responder, you and your calling are crucial to the fabric of society. God loves you and wants to heal what you don’t even know needs healing.

  • Military and their Families

    The Military and their families are vital to the fabric of our society and to our nation as a whole. As a veteran, I can attest to the lack of due process regarding mental, emotional, and spiritual recovery that military missions impart to the subconscious. I have also witnessed the emotional toll on marriages and children due to absence and readjustment. God created us to fulfill a call, but not at the expense of enjoying the life and relationships He has given us. It is possible to have both, and there is a process of recovery, healing, rewiring, and familial readjustment that will benefit the life God has given you—and your family. God, family, country.

  • Overcoming Church Hurt

    God did not call us to be “Lone Ranger” Christians or to be like a coal taken off the fire and isolated. There is absolutely NO perfect church. Hurt and offense will happen, we just need help navigating it. Whether you have been a victim of an abuse of authority, feel cold towards God because of church people, or feel overlooked or rejected, the Lord wants you free. If you feel emotionally shut down and overly cautious regarding ‘church,’ there is emotional and spiritual healing for you—it’s time.

  • Grief Counseling and Coaching

    Grief is due to loss…loss of ANY kind. Grief that lasts too long leads to long term depression and health issues. God wants your joy restored on this side of heaven. He wants you to live the life Jesus died for you to live. Restoration of right emotions IS possible with Him.

  • Abortion and Miscarriage Healing (Also Pregnancy Coaching)

    The starting layer of emotional healing and deliverance are usually attained with first session. Underlying roots of death, trauma, loss, grief or lack of grief or remorse, require further sessions.

    Regarding pregnancy, you don’t have to rely on hope that everything will be okay. You have authority through the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. You can begin to declare things over your womb/body/pregnancy, your child, and your delivery. You can break off generational things now instead of waiting for them to arise. You don’t have to agree with results of any unwanted reports and statistics —you can agree with God. Jesus’ blood always speaks a better word!

  • Overcoming Anger

    Anger, depression, and anxiety can be intertwined, but depending on the mode of how a person either suppresses or expresses, will determine which one manifests at any given time. There is hope. All of it stems from an unhealed past. Jesus wants you healed, make your appointment today. It’s time.

  • Overcoming Trauma and Abuse

    Abuse takes on multiple forms and remains a cycle in someone’s life until it is broken, and the person takes time to separate, understand, and heal. Trauma is always a side effect of abuse and can cause many stealth behaviors and belief systems about life, people, ourselves, and God. Trauma can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, and can happen at any point in a person’s life. We know the enemy’s agenda according to John 10:10, and also Jesus’ plan for us to overcome in Him through life abundantly on this side of heaven. He’s waiting…He already bore your pain so you wouldn’t have to.

  • Coaching Single Women into Wholeness

    Do you feel anxious, or hope deferred as a single woman? Your soul will attract whatever level of brokenness or wholeness you have. Also, familiar spirits are attracted to unclean, unhealed, and broken vulnerabilities. You have a purpose and destiny in God to fulfill whether you marry or not. The Lord wants you healed, whole, focused, and fulfilling your God given destiny. He also wants to send you a God-fearing man to be your equal, to be a strong covering, and to help you both birth the destiny inside each other.

  • Understanding God's Call on Your Life

    We all have gifts, spiritual gifts, talents, and desires on the inside of us that are either realized or unrealized…tapped, untapped, or tapped out. Very rarely are people fulfilling 100% of the call of God on their life. The call of God is not punishing to our heart’s desires, nor does it violate our heart’s desires. But our circumstance may look like a treacherous coal mine until we realize we are equipped to ‘see’ with the Lord the diamond mine we are standing in. What would you do for the rest of your life if money didn’t matter?

  • Prophetic Dream Help

    We sleep 20 years of our life, so why wouldn’t God take the opportunity to speak to us when He has our full undivided attention? He changed the course of Kings and nations through dreams and visions in the Bible, and He is still doing so. He can personally help direct us through our dreams when we seek Him and listen to Him. There are prophetic dreams, soulish dreams, warning dreams, and demonic dreams, and He lovingly wants to help us navigate, and give us clarity through His voice and His word.